Monday, July 12, 2010

A Scary New Jungle, This Is

*hem. hem* testing testing. Is there anyone out there? No? It's just me I suppose. Well, I can finally say that I have successfully invaded enemy territory. It was a grueling journey, the planning of which has been in the works for months now. My arrival coincided with the original Rebel Monkey Day of Idependence, a feat that I find both practical and poetic. 200 (or something) years ago, my monkey forefathers escaped the stifling rule of the Mother Country. But we lost a lot of good monkeys in the process. And now, I'm here to seek my revenge. To undermine the Monkarchy and impress our colonial way of life on the people. Or maybe just throw some tea in one of their rivers. We'll see how it goes.

But really I suppose all I hope to get out of my stay here in London is well... I don't really know actually. Start a life with my monkey mate (we'll just call him Jim in order to protect his reputation, innocence, and sanity) is first and foremost. But aside from that I guess I would really like to just find a way to be more comfortable and confident in this weird world of human beings. I'm just a little monkey thats got to get used to doing responsible adult things without having miniature anxiety attacks every time I have to converse with someone I don't know. There's a whole strange new jungle out there. One where I have to buy groceries and toilet paper, wake up before noon, and have actual conversations with people on phones (what do you mean I can't text message my bank?). One where doctors office walls aren't covered with hand painted pictures of circus animals, and when they say "open wide" and stick something inside you, its not a tongue depressor. One where the biggest question of the night probably shouldn't be "where should we order foodler from?" And one where my bank account doesn't magically replenish twice a month.

Oh dear, here we go. New city. New life. Same old monkey...

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